Friday, June 11, 2010

packing and things...

After hounding each of your for your medical info and passport copies, I wouldn't be half surprised if I forgot all of MY stuff on Monday. Do I have an updated passport? Yes. Do I have pounds and euros? Yes. Have I been thinking about the details of packing off and on for a good month? Yes. Still, though, the actual departure moment comes sooner than we often expect and that can cause some last minute panicking. In an effort to avoid this, I'm packing and unpacking and repacking a few times this weekend. Excessive? Perhaps. Could I just throw things into a bag on Monday afternoon and be fine? Yeah. But there is something to be said for having what you need when you need it without all the extra junk.

Speaking of that, the forecast for London indicates few-to-no showers (though you never know) and 60 degree weather. A touch warmer for Paris (showers off and on recently, so who knows). Rome will be warmer. 70/80 degrees according to Europe's Weather Channel. Granted this is a forecast and therefore is subject to change, I just thought I'd pass it along for your packing purposes.

FIFA World Cup: Watch team USA play England tomorrow 2:30 ET so we know whether to brag or hang our heads in shame when we arrive in London!

*My London source says to dress for spring and that even though we tied England, they're still a far superior team. "Bollocks" is what I say to that!

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